Hi everyone. Copyright laws were taught in grade school, but for those of you who think information on the internet is any different than information found in books, it isn’t. Copyright laws are the same. Basically, if someone else creates anything, it is not yours to use or reproduce, period. Think of it as using a photo copy machine and a book. That’s copyright infringement. Below, I have outlined some guidelines regarding my website content.
Please Be Respectful
Recipes found on ThisOldGal.com are specifically created for this website. Creating, cooking and feeding friends, family and the universe is my passion. My recipes are an expression of my love of food and my art! Each recipe is personally crafted and takes countless HOURS from thought, paper, creation and even longer to produce! The process of producing recipes involves testing, ingredients, photography (and equipment), editing software and tons of time. Please respect my guidelines if you would like to share my recipes.
Round Ups
If you are a blogger and you are creating a round up, I would absolutely love to be included! You have my permission to use a photo and recipe link for each recipe you would like to include in your round up. Please let me know once your post has published, so that I may share it with my readers. When sharing to Pinterest, I kindly ask that you do not include ingredients or directions.
General Guidelines
If you would like to share my recipes on your website, I would totally love that! Please note that copying and pasting is not considered sharing as it is a violation of copyright laws. Selkatz, Inc./This Old Gal also does not permit copying and pasting entire recipes onto any website or social media. There are NO exceptions. Please do not crop off my watermark or add text to any of my photos.
Posting on Facebook
You are welcome to use my recipe posts to post on Facebook if the following occurs:
- All photos of my recipe include a link which leads directly back to my recipe.
- Please do not post full ingredients/directions on Facebook including on pages or in groups.
YOU ARE WELCOME TO use the “share” button on any page or as found on the This Old Gal Facebook Page to share a link to any recipe. DO NOT copy and paste the ingredients and directions list onto the shared post.
Recreating Recipes
If you recreate one of my recipes and would like to share it on your blog, you are welcome to do so if the following occur:
- Please create your own photograph.
- If you use my list of ingredients exactly as they are written, please indicate so in your blog post.
- Please rewrite the directions in your own words.. Your blog is an extension of you and I know your readers what to hear how you came to make this recipe, so please use your own words.
- Most importantly, PLEASE remember to include a link back to my original recipe. We certainly do not want Google to view it as duplicate content!
Taking my recipes and reproducing or copying and pasting them on Facebook or your blog violates Facebook terms and copyright laws. Please do not take my recipes without permission.
Sharing the recipe link to any of my recipes posts are both encouraged and appreciated. Unauthorized and improperly attributed or non-attributed use of this material, including screen shots, copy/paste of full recipes to any social media site, website, mobile application or service (e.g., copymethat, recipe keeper, pepper) or cookbook, without the requisite attribution or otherwise with express written permission from Jill Selkowitz is strictly prohibited. You may share a photo with a link back instead.
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